The Ozone, Our Planet, Carbon & Subli Zero 2030!

Like you, the whole team here at Subli Vista are very concerned with sustainability, how we use our planets resources, and how corporate activity impacts the environment we all live in. As a chemical coatings company there are things we must plan to do, or as the entire team here prefers, commit to doing, for the planets future and all our futures. We will take responsibility and lead the industry away from chimney billowing industrial factories into using more environmentally friendly products. We are proud to be a forward looking environmentally responsible company, and as such we have created a product development and operational pledge which we call Subli Zero 2030!

Chemical History, CFC's & The Ozone Layer

We have come from a darl place when it comes to aerosols, fortunately sanity prevailed but the following is a brief reminder of how the ozone layer has been brought back from the brink of disaster. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) are fully or partly halogenated hydrocarbons that contain carbon (C), hydrogen (H), chlorine (Cl), and fluorine (F), produced as volatile derivatives of methane, ethane & propane. Many CFCs had been widely used as aerosol propellants but because CFCs contribute to ozone depletion in the upper atmosphere, the manufacture of such compounds has fortunately been phased out under the Montreal Protocol. The good news is that due to the Montreal Protocol and manufacturer complioance. the Ozone Layer is healing well and accfording to NASA scientists who regularly monitor such things we will see full recovery from or around 2058.

Caring for Our Planet

At Subli Vista we know how important it is that we care for our planet, not only for our own protection and enjoyment, but also for our children’s and their children.

We have a number of environmental products in our range already which are identifiable by our green leaf logo, but more than that we are committing to making all our products 100% environmently friendly, and we are investing significant time and money into doing this.

We are the only sublimation coatings manufacturer to commit to this environmental approach.

1000's of Carbon Miles Saved

We have reduced our carbon miles substantially by manufacturing all our products here in the UK. Some brands manufacture in the Far East then import them 1000's of miles to a distribution point closer to home which is not helping the environment. Our products are 100% designed, constructed, engineered and manufactured by us which has saved tonnes of cardon being left in the air through air travel. You can be assured that wherever you buy Subli Vista from in the world you can be sure it has only made one direct journey to that sales point, not back And forth around the world. As a manufacturer we do produce carbon in the manufacturing process although it is only a small amount but we are working hard on reducing that through internal efficiency processes, along with being active in carbon offset initiatives.

Subli Zero 2030!

We all know we have a personal duty to protect the planet when it's possible for us to do such things. Be this by simply recycling our waste to bigger statements such as never using an aeroplane again, or any number of things in between no matter how small the action.

As Subli Vista is a chemical coatings manufacturer we feel we have a more committed duty to the environment than most manufacturers, and for that reason we have created our Subli Zero 2030! pledge. This pledge will guide how we operate today, and in the future. More importantly it will guide us how we design and manufacture the next generation of Sublimation Solutions, Sprays and Liquids.

Our pledge is a simple one, but a powerful one, that is by 2030 we will be producing and selling only 100% environmentally friendly products.

All our efforts, actions and decisions will be with this one goal in mind, we hope we can achieve this well before 2030 because we cannot wait. None of us can wait for solutions that benefit each other and the planet we live on.

Today & Tomorrow

Today 27% of our range are environmental products and are identifiable by our Green Leaf logo on the product label. We are well along a development path to bring this up to 50% in the shorter term. However, there is more we are doing. Our contract carrier also has a carbon offset scheme that will get to the point soon where we are delivering products carbon neutral then carbon negative. Its great news for everyone.

Measure Us by Our Actions

What we have laid out here is a first for the subliamtion industry. We welcome you to measure our intent by our actions over time, and we hope you will hold us to account!